Friday, October 24, 2008

It's been a while, and time to reconcile...

So since I've taken such a long time to post here, I've got to get back to my rhythm of penning down my 'lightbulb' moments or lessons in life.

Therefore, I shall just be writing this post from whatever it is that comes off the top of my head just to get into groove again.

I've caught a flu these past few days and it really has impaired me from being me so to speak. Today my lecturer (YES, I'm in UNI now!..that's how long I have not posted here) asked me to present one of my written assignments in class today...impromptu!...Apparently mine was one of the few worth mentioning to him and the others, so happen that their authors were absent, so I was the only one available...and I think he kinda likes me because I not as withdrawn as the other students...hehe. but that's another story altogether.

So up I went to present, though I presented something totally different and was not too satisfied with myself because of the lack of preparation and my voice not sounding fluent (maybe not even coherent?). But of course the lecturer appreciated it and my coursemates clapped because it's a pretty big deal for someone in my course to present in class which I think is real sad.

Then I started thinking to myself, why am I not captivating when giving a presentation?...then I remembered what my girlfriend said to me some time back...qouting off someone else...

"Every master was once a disaster"

Cool quote but you just got to hate the truthfullness of it eh? So when am I get going on my way to become a master? Because I do see myself with things to tell and I do have a way with words but it doesn't come out just as nice in my speech as in my writing. Maybe it's in the tone, facial expression and overall facade or manner?...I hope to start rectifying any of this soon as possible, it will do wonders to my confidence, though I think that doesn't need much boosting, maybe a little toning down though..hehe

But all in all, all these thought provoking thought trains has made me feel that life is worth living, that life is worth exploring,worth venturing, an adventure you make it to be.

Earlier today also I was telling one of my coursemates my other plans to make money while I am studying and gaining working experience in the related field as well, she was impressed but I just said that I have to do it, because studying for 4 years straight is a bit of a drag to me.

And lastly, what meaning is there to all this?...striving day and night, falling sick for these reasons,...are they reasons of grandeur? long can that make you go on?..Surely there is a real reason behind it, one worth holding on to, one worth saying it to others and more yourself...I think I have found that meaning....

Alright guys, seems that I've got my groove back!...Tune in soon for the next post..then I shall pen down my 2 cents of the meaning I want my life to carry...

Drop a comment before you go yeah...Have a great day ahead 'lightbulb' moments as they often come and left unsung!...


Josef said...


thats my u doin? stil meetin the rest?

jessica said...

good luck n jia you ya.