So my last post was on a rather subdued and solemn note so I guess I shall be writing of sunshine this time around.
Is it possible for one to always see sunshine? To always have a smile on one's face in trying times? Or just to keep your head levelled while others about you are losing theirs? (yes, I paraphrase Kipling here)
Well, I live by a principle where if one is always serving or just choosing to do what is right...then he shall be a happy person. When I say serve, I do not just refer to community service like examples but from minute deeds of good faith like holding the door for a lady whose hands are occupied with shopping bags to more meaningful endeavours like joining the fight against global warming. If one is always doing such things which make he feels is the right thing to do, how can one not be happy? An idealist question way up in the clouds perhaps but of recent days even I am beginning to doubt it.
However, I am also a strong believer in the will of man.
It is almost too true that life is full of ups and downs and that usually implies that a person too will have to follow that pattern in leading his life...But not if his will can help it!
What happens to us and how we react to what happens to us are two very separate things. What happens to us has already happened and there is nothing we can do about it. So be it good or bad, it is already out of our control. But how we react to it is totally within our power and choice. A bad situation may dawn upon us, but that does not mean we cant reply it with a smile.
Maybe sometimes its just too hard to smile for just too many things are bogging us down. My dear friends, choose to smile and you will. And if you can't do that either, go in front of a mirror and just force yourself to smile at yourself. Just the thought of you smiling will make you whole again.
A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.
Sunshine may not be our favour each day but it is ever potent within us to cause it to rise forth.
So is it possible to be sunshine 24/7? Your answer to this question will determine that possibility.
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