Friday, December 12, 2008

May I know your weight please?

Well, this has been on my mind for some time now. Not the literal weight of course.

How does one weigh maturity? Is it on the job he has? The things he does in life? His age? His sex? His physique? Or merely his thinking?

I think we live in a world where we get distracted...vainly distracted. Especially in an Asian community where one is only an adult when he starts working, where before that, he is just an obedient child who does not know enough to go about this 'world'.

I have a question, does a teacher carry as much weight as a corporate financier in this world if not more? Who has more maturity or are both of them as mature because they both have careers? Now just bear with me a little here.

I serve as a facilitator to a youth program and I tell you its something that is on the rise. More and more young people who have not finish their educations are beginning to arise to help the even younger generation develope their capacities to serve the community.

Now tell me this, can an individual who is involved so very much in the education and development of the young be as mature, if not more, than the corporate officer who handles millions in a day?

Yeah sure, the corporate mogul gives many jobs and he is so well versed with the way the world works in cash flow and businesses which in most time literally keeps families alive. But let me advocate a little about what the teacher does, or what the youth who helps the younger ones do.

An individual who helps another in his or her education since young gives hope to the future, he slowly but determinedly forges the sword which will battle its way through a toughened world but if that sword is tough enough and great enough in numbers, then there will not be a need to use that sword. And that is when we know that the next generation is paving a new and more importantly, a bright future in times ahead.

So mayb this serving youth does not know how best to pay bills or cash flows around the market..but he gives a commitment to the world to make it a better place. Can an immature individual think that and certainly decide on it?

Please comment, I'd like to know how you percieve your weight in the world. =)

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