Sunday, January 25, 2009

To inspire when your down

I was originally going to write a post full of conflict and very stress inducing to the reader.

Thankfully, I've gone above my lower natures and have chosen to to tell my dear readers, that the sweetness of life, is up to us and does not depend on the things which happen to us.

Here is a story I have come across in the course of my travels in life, enjoy.

There once lived a lady who lead a simple and complete life. She was blissfully married and had a job which was not too demanding. It was complete.

Till one day, her husband passed away due to an accident. Then, her life just started to crumble before her eyes. She was no longer complete.

She had been mourning for months and it had dawned on her that she needed to do something to cure her depression. So she chose to seek out an elderly lady whom was known for her good advice and answers about life.

As she seeked her out, the widow asked the elder how she could overcome her depression. The elder replied that she needed to go and find a certain bean and plant it in her house. The only condition is that that very bean had to come from a house which was purely happy and free from conflicts and problems. The widow agreed and started her quest.

The first house she visited was a huge and lavish mansion. As she stood at the gates, she thought to herself, "This place had to be a home to a very happy family." She entered and had a chat with the family. She soon found out that in spite of their family riches, their children were beginning to become nasty corporate people and the parents were very worried and clueless on what to do. The widow then shared her insight and her own experience to try and help the family. The family thanked her and ask her to come again.

Time for another house.

The second house, looked pretty simple and well to do and so the widow tried her luck yet again. This time the family in the house was actually facing a monetary problem due to bad luck in the family business and the future seemed very uncertain. The widow knew she did not have the anwers but comforted them in any way she could as that was the least she could do. The family thanked her for being so supportive and that said that she was God-sent. An angel.

Maybe third time's a charm?

The widow attempted a suburbian home. Simple life usually have little problems. As she made her acquaintances with the woman of the house, she could notice her sadness almost immediately. The widow had found out that this woman had also lost her husband not too long ago. Being able to relate entirely, she helped this woman to calm her worries and sorrows and just blessing her with a presence of hope.

The widow ended her quest and went back to the elder to seek more advice. She told the elder of the impossibility of finding such a bean for there is no such thing as a home free from troubles. The elder however avoided the question and asked about her journeys. The widow told it with such passion and fulfillment for being able to be of service. The elder then said that therein lies the cure to your depression. That by helping others with their troubles, the widow had soon forgotten her own.

It's a real mysterious thing this...act of helping others. It somehow just brings us joy.

Maybe our problems are not really about us going through a hard time but a hint to us that we have stopped being God-sent to others?

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